
Generate more business insight and inspire change with industry leading event and presentation software from Eventeca.
Expand, focus and formalise thoughts and ideas during your brainstorming sessions and internal meetings to make them more productive.
Reinforce team cohesion through fun playful activities.
Give your collaborators the opportunity to express their creativity and enrich the discussions.
Gather opinions and put forth the best ideas in one click.
Display results in real time to make quick decisions.
The Eventeca app is a great way to present your annual general meetings to hundreds of users simultaneously. We understand how important the annual meetings are to businesses and the presentations can contain some highly confidential content that you will want to keep secure. We can provide a unified and secure experience for events where sensitive data is being shared, we would recommend to hire our wide range of tablets, iPhones and/or Android devices to run the presentation. Our technical event staff can pre-install the Eventeca branded app and secure the device and its contents. Once the presentation is complete we can delete all data ensuring no sensitive information is left on there.
Post event reports, allow you to understand completely what happened at your event. Your attendees will receive post event notes they have taken throughout the event and any saved data.
The Eventeca app has a controlled presentation feature, this will allow the presentation to be delivered at the same speed for all attending. Users will be able to rewind and play the presentation to catch up but they will not be able to jump ahead in the presentation. This feature also allows participants to write personalised notes associated to the slides.
This is great for Annual General Meeting presenters, as the speakers can go at their own pace ensuring every essential detail of the presentation is communicated in a clear and effective manner whilst fully engaging the audience.