Apple was the one that came up with the idea of introducing the “notch” for iPhone X back in 2017. Back then due to some faults the design was rejected and was excluded out of the iPhone X series. The company was all over the news and social media facing the hatred on memes and tweets asserting that Steve Jobs Would Never Have Done This.
However, just 21 months later you can already see the articles and blogs on companies that are being trolled for not launching notch. That is the reason why Apple’s most direct competitors embraced the notch to stick to the market as it lurks in the corner of Samsung’s dreamy Galaxy Fold and also sticks out like a black tongue on the Google Pixel 3 XL. Overall these months Apple implemented the notch very well.
Apple is known to maintain their standard by serving the quality and class altogether as it often does. A clunky concept as a notch could make the device less attractive so it was a challenge for the company to come up with something that could boost a degree of elegance. Style is usually a part of Apple’s creation apart from innovation. The notch is a thin strip with round corners that fuses well into the top surface of the iPhone X.
In this thin notch strip, the company manages to add the camera, a flash, a speaker, a microphone, and multiple sensors for the future technology to scan your face for the Facial Authentication. Other phones have notches too but they are comparatively smaller than the iPhone X and they are only restricted to hold a housing camera.
Most of the tech veterans believe that iPhone’s notch is positioned in a certain way where it covers the lop line however in other smart phones it looks more prominent when you keep holding it in your hand. Devices like the iPhone XS Max or XR have thin strip notch which is only distracting if you’re actively looking for it and eventually you’re not always going to be look at the notch itself so it’s less prominent because of the big screen and fine display.
The notch design tends to reveal the integrity of your device. There were many designs prepared to replace notch though none of it was fine enough. Many of those designs include elements of handsets and camera only whilst designing the notch Apple took a lot of time and effort to put this idea forward.
After Apple safely launch the ‘notch’ design in the market, many companies tried to copy it with some additional specifications. Though nobody could have the guts to make it better from the iPhone X series. Apple embraces a non-standard design by breaking the traditional approach that helps solve a problem by adding too many working features at the same time.
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