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How to Collect Contact Details from Event Attendees

How to Collect Contact Details from Event Attendees

How to Collect Contact Details from Event Attendees

Event organizers put a lot of effort into digital promotion and getting useful feedback from visitors. But before this can be a possibility, they need to collect the contact details of the people who attended their event. This can be a tricky process as there are many different ways which can be effective, depending on the kind of event you are running. You can collect these details in advance or during the event, but the information needs to be detailed and correct so that you can proceed further. Event marketing experts have displayed a lot of ways which give valuable insights to collecting data and using it later on.

A recent survey has shown that 47% of event planners and producers find the contact details of attendees to be very important. These act like a physical footprint to ensure that you have a proper customer profile which you can use for future follow ups and promotions. Besides this, there are many useful ways you can gather these details in one place:

Registration Forms

Online registration forms are the first step to collecting data from your attendees. Although they can be tricky in the sense that if they are too long people will abandon them, and if they are too short you will not get the kind of data you need. Unusable data is worse than no data so you have to make sure that even at a minimum, you are gathering the appropriate contact details first.

In Session Questions

In session questions are simple and effective as 66% of attendees will definitely take part during the conference or convention. Access to session info allows attendees to make the most of their experience and fill in form, whether digitally or physically, that give the right kind of data you need. Q&A sessions are another example of finding out more about the visitors of your event and then using these details to target them as potential customers.

Post-Event Surveys

Conducting surveys after your event is over is one of the simplest ways of getting audience feedback. After your event is over, attendees can help you gather the information you need as they give you feedback about their experience. So when they talk about accommodation, pricing and the session itself, the surveys can also ask them their contact details. Email addresses, phone numbers and addresses can be collected this way without any issue.

Event Apps

The use of event technology has made it possible to collect information instantly and accurately. Apps are an easy way of facilitating networking tools and live polling as they give more insight about the visitors of your event. So if your audience members have to put in their details during the event into a tablet or computer, they will be able to do so without any issues. You can also gather areas of their interest and then follow up accordingly for a positive response.

The Bottom Line

While data collection can be a challenge, organizers can use these simple ways to build their list of potential customers and do follow ups for future events.

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